How do you understand the account of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31? Its relationship to Hades?

Poll Results

How do you understand the account of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31? Its relationship to Hades?

A parable with no change in heaven (no 2 compartments of Hades) Votes: 4
A parable, but I still accept the 2 compartment of Hades theory Votes: 1
An actual account, implying 2 compartments of Hades before Jesus ascension Votes: 2
An actual account, but no change in the domain of the dead Votes: 4
Undecided Votes: 0
Other (try to approximate to avoid this choice if possible) Votes: 0

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0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


I could go either way on the account being a parable or a story of real events with real people, though I lean toward the latter. But I don’t accept the two compartment theory, so I marked real story with no change in the domain of the dead.

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