Has (Serious) Christian Fatherhood Changed Over the Past 50 Years?

Forum category

The Bible’s commands to parents (and husbands/wives/children) has not changed. But, in your observation, are serious Christian dads different than they used to be? Or are the differences superficial? Time to opine!

Poll Results

Has (Serious) Christian Fatherhood Changed Over the Past 50 Years?

Yes, Christian Fatherhood looks very much different, mostly for the better! Votes: 2
Yes, Christian Fatherhood looks very much different, mostly for the worse! Votes: 2
Yes, Christian Fatherhood looks very much different, but not clearly better or worse. Votes: 0
No, Christian Fatherhood does not look much different, except for a few superficial differences Votes: 2
Mixed: Different, some better, some worse, no trend Votes: 3
Other Votes: 1
Couldn’t you come up with a better poll question? Votes: 2

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0
