Do you believe every single sermon should include the Gospel?
I once heard a criticism from a godly older man. He said he heard a sermon at a certain church (which was Bible-believing), and never once in the sermon did the preacher ever mention the name Jesus.
Some today believe the Gospel — some mention of the atoning work of Christ at bare minimum — should be part of every sermon.
There is a difference between saying that a good sermon must always mention the Gospel and that good preaching often includes the Gospel.
In our day the word “Gospel” is of uncertain meaning, even with the evangelical/fundamental world. Are we referring to the atonement and resurrection, or does mentioning God’s love count as the Gospel? Some use the term almost as synonymous with Scripture.
But I am talking about the Gospel of the Grace of God, as defined in I Cor. 15:1-5.
What is your view? Can a sermon build up believers and be pleasing to God even if (sometimes) it doesn’t reference the Gospel? Are preachers obligated to always include the Gospel? If you believe your view is more than subjective, you are welcome to argue your case with Scripture. There is, of course, a big difference between Biblical mandate and personal opinion. Be careful to distinguish between a command to preach the Gospel and the idea of ALWAYS including the Gospel. No one in this forum, I would think, would argue that true pastors must preach the Gospel.
We are not addressing public speaking opportunities in general, but sermons preached in a Bible-believing church environment.
Poll Results
Do you believe every single sermon should include the Gospel?
Yes, in my view every sermon must include the Gospel, at least referencing the atonement. Votes: 2
Yes and No. Many or most sermons must include the Gospel, but not all. Votes: 6
As long as some sermons include the Gospel, I see no problem. Votes: 3
When a text directly refers to the Gospel, that must be addressed; a preacher is free to share/not share the Gospel otherwise. Votes: 8
Other Votes: 0
…is when a sermon all about works—yes, I’ve heard quite a few that fall into the “moral therapeutic deism” category—have a Gospel presentation tacked on at the end. It feels about as natural as polyester pants.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
I like the Reformed/Lutheran division, broad though it is, into “Law/Gospel.” On this understanding, I believe a sermon should lead to one or the other. Most frequently to Gospel (what God has done), but that doesn’t mean a sermon shouldn’t occasionally focus on Law (our responsibility) to give us a sense of the greatness of our sin and misery.
Naturally it can’t be just left there, because the Law can only break down and crush. And a sermon should never leave its listeners feeling broken and hopeless. But that doesn’t mean that every single sermon must include a specific mention of the atonement.
The Gospel doesn’t have to be in the message as long as you give an effective altar call! (Smile and have a great Thanksgiving!)
"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan