Devotions and Influence: Which of the following is your weakest link, needing improvement/growth most?

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Devotions and Influence: Which of the following is your weakest link, needing improvement/growth most?

Prayer (and/or worship) Votes: 3
Bible reading Votes: 0
Witnessing Votes: 5
Fellowship (involvement sharpening other believers) Votes: 0
Good works (and acts of mercy) Votes: 0
Mentoring/discipling or being discipled Votes: 0
More than one of the above (no one stands out as most needy) Votes: 5
I have a fairly good balance on all the above Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


There are PLENTY of weak spots in all of us. Some of us are impatient, negative, undisciplined, selfish, etc., etc., etc.

So I didn’t want to write an endless list, but narrowed it down to the sorts of things we advice new believers to do, foundational practices that we never outgrow and are pretty broad.

For me, prayer is probably the weakest link (although witnessing is pretty weak, too). I do pray and I do witness, but not enough (yes, there is a state called “enough,” even it it may be hard to do “too much.”)

What about you? What have you done to try to improve in a weak spot?

I, for example, often use written prayers to help bolster my prayer life. I have even written a prayer for each day of the year and sometimes pray my own prayers! Maybe you can share not only your weak spot, but something that has helped you at least a little.

"The Midrash Detective"