The Assurance of Our Salvation: A Sampling of Our Views

Most of us would say that if you truly have turned from your sin and trusted in the work of Jesus Christ for your salvation, you will definitely be saved.

But how can your be sure that your faith is genuine? There lies the issue.

Many of us were told, based upon I John 5:13, that we could and should be sure we are saved. I believe there is merit in such an application. Yet, at the same time, “these things” refers to the evidences of genuine conversion John has just mentioned in his letter.

On the one hand, it is natural for believers to, at times, doubt their salvation. On the other hand, it is common for fruitless professors of faith in Christ to be sure of their salvation.

In addition, there are differing levels of certainty we experience in life. There is a threshold we pass between “certain” and “uncertain,” but there are many shades of certainty and uncertainty. So how absolute should our assurance be (to be genuine)?

How "sure" is our personal assurance of salvation?

As sure as Christ is God and the Bible is His Word.
40% (4 votes)
Very sure, but maybe not quite as much as above.
10% (1 vote)
Fairly sure: an assumption we embrace.
0% (0 votes)
Tentatively sure, we have a vague idea of the assurance of our salvation.
0% (0 votes)
Only the Lord knows His own, we can't therefore be sure of our salvation at all.
0% (0 votes)
We have a strong assurance of salvation when our lives line up with God's Word (to a significant degree) but not when we are not walking closely.
40% (4 votes)
We are wrong to assume we will endure and be saved.
0% (0 votes)
10% (1 vote)
Total votes: 10
