World Events and WWIII

Lately I’ve found myself looking at developments on the world stage, as they say, and thinking, are these events going to be in the history books of the future as turning points that lead to WWIII?

  • Increasing nuclear capability in N. Korea
  • Increasing Russian aggression, end of nuclear arms treaties
  • China… enough said.
  • Iran’s continued progress toward nuclear capability.


Sports Betting Hits a New High: A Crisis in the Making?


“Sports betting saw a 61 percent increase for this year’s Super Bowl compared to last year, with nearly one in four U.S. adults placing a bet. The championship game saw roughly $16 billion in wagers, more than double last year’s estimates.” - Relevant


Law and Just War Tradition: Passing HR 1009


“McNerney describes HR 1009 as a modest resolution; a nonbinding suggestion that Just War tradition help structure future debates over U.S. military interventions by members of the House of Representatives.” - Providence
