Max McLean reading US historic documents

Max McLean has produced some excellent reading of the Scriptures and famous sermons at: They are now offering the reading of historic US documents. The CD may be purchased, or the mp3s downloaded at no charge for the holiday season.

Here is their announcement:

Strengthen your understanding of America’s heritage and share with your children and grandchildren, lest we forget.

• The Declaration of Independence (1776)


Heart of the Collective King

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted by permission from the IFCA’s Voice magazine (May/June 2009).

American FlagBelievers in America are contemplative these days. Though confident in the workings of a sovereign God who rules over the kingdoms of men, their mood has become increasingly somber as the political and economic pendulum has swung out of reach.

Is this a hiccup for America or a heart attack? Are our freedoms threatened or just our values and traditions? How should believers balance national and eternal interests? Are civic and spiritual tied together? How can one best serve his or her country as a Christian citizen?

I believe that if we reorient our thinking we can cheat the pensive gloom and rekindle hope. To do this, we must first explore the Creator’s principles in the ancient text of the Bible, and then take a walk back through patriot alley to explore the principles underlying this grand experiment called America. When we do, we will discover that we the people are the king, but that we the people / the king has a heart disease only the Great Physician can heal.


20th Anniversary

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protest crackdown, and I thought that it would be worthy to commemorate it.
Wikipedia: The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 culminating in the Tiananmen Square massacre (referred to in Chinese as the June 4 Incident, to avoid confusion with two other Tiananmen Square protests) were a series of demonstrations in and near Tiananmen Square in Beijing in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) beginning on April 14.


Google Wave

Not sure who has seen this or not, but this new technology very well may make email obsolete. Essentially Google asked itself what communication should look like in the 21st century. And this is what they believe it should. The video is like 1.5 hours.
