Florida Educators found "Not Guilty" of violating court injunction against prayer in Public Schools

Meanwhile, in local news…

U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers ruled that Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman did not intentionally violate a federal court order prohibiting school officials from leading prayer in school when they offered a blessing at an athletic banquet.



Is it the Job of government to Feed People?

I have taught for quite some time now that the basic job of government is to protect the righteous, punish the evil, and to collect only enough revenue to execute this purpose - Rom 13.

I have often heard John Lofton on the American View say that it is not the job of government to feed, house or clothe anyone. To that, I add a loud amen.


Free Museum Day 9/26

Free admission to participating museums nationwide on Saturday, Sept. 26- see this link for details. ENJOY!


"I Pledge" PSA

In spite of all the really nice ideas that these celebrities put forth in this PSA, (could someone please remind me why we care what celebrities think?) I was seriously creeped out. It’s a bit too… worshipful.


Black Man Poses as White Supremacist Online: Pleads Guilty to Death Threats!

Here is a link to the article, quite interesting:


It will be interesting the “television coverage” any of the networks give this story. This certainly reinforces the theory of “interlopers” who pretend to be one thing but turn out to be another in order to discredit the person or group they are opposing.


Bernie Madoff and Human Depravity

At the end of June, financier and swindler Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in federal prison. He had defrauded thousands of people of over $65 billion. Although many of his victims were relatively well-heeled, plenty of poor-to-middling investors lost their life savings. These bare facts reveal a tragedy, but one that is not particularly unique except for its record-breaking scale. A quick google news search shows that another dozen ponzi schemes have popped up in the news in just the past 24 hours.
