Houston Mayor Drops Pastor Subpoenas


“It was never our intention to interfere with clergy and their congregants,” Parker said. “I don’t want to have a national debate on freedom of religion when my purpose is to defend … a city ordinance.” CT


Church marriage statements

Does your church have a statement on marriage? If so, is it in the constitution/bylaws? How was it approved (church vote, etc.)? How is it publicized, if at all (web site, handout to members, etc.)?

The elders of our church (we are an elder-led church) drafted the following statement on marriage. It is based primarily on the suggested language of the Alliance Defending Freedom, with some of our own wording added to stress the “grace” side of things. We have not yet made it public in our church as we are working on the best time and place to do that.


"Most Americans believe in heaven, hell and a few old-fashioned heresies."


“Two thirds (67 percent) of Americans believe heaven is a real place, according to the survey….Just under half of Americans (45 percent) say there are many ways to heaven… Catholics (67 percent) and Mainline Protestants (55 percent) are most likely to say heaven’s gates are wide open, with many ways in.
