When the Truth Isn't True

Despite the fact that the US Presidential election is almost a year away, I’m ready for the campaigning to be over. In the last few months, we’ve seen our share of drama, name-calling, schism, and scandal. Same old, same old, right?

Unfortunately, no. If anything, the Republican primary has already been full of unsettling surprises, not the least of which is the disturbing popularity of a man who is anything but conservative. And it’s left many folks—conservative, moderate, and liberal alike—scratching their heads wondering, “Why is Donald Trump so popular?”

In this recent New York Times piece, Justin Wolfers argues that Trump’s popularity stems from his rhetorical style rather than what he’s actually advocating. Trump’s willingness to speak the unspeakable signals to many folks that he’s “authentic”—despite the fact that unspeakable things are often best left unsaid.


Have you heard of the First Amendment Defense Act ?


FADA, which was introduced in the House by Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) in June, has more than 150 co-sponsors. Its stated purpose is ‘to prevent discriminatory treatment of any person on the basis of views held with respect to marriage.’” ONN


Franklin Graham resigns from GOP


“Graham suggested earlier this week that the last straw was congressional Republicans funding Planned Parenthood in the recently passed, $1.8 trillion tax-and-spending package… However, he made clear Wednesday night that the funding was only part of the reason he left the GOP to become an independent.”
