Marijuana legalization on 9 state ballots


“Voters in five states — Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada — will cast ballots on Election Day for or against initiatives that will legalize the recreational use of marijuana, or cannabis as it is sometimes known. Another four states — Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota — will vote on measures to legalize medical use of marijuana.” BPNews


Religious Right Has Become the People They Warned Against


“Russell Moore gave a lecture addressing the question: ‘Can The Religious Right Be Saved?’ Moore’s answer was both yes and no. Some things are worth preserving, while other vestiges cannot die quickly enough.” CPost


What is your opinion of the Masons and its auxiliary groups?

I was talking to a pastor friend about the Masons and its groups, and we both agreed that Christians who were involved in that seemed less involved in the church, and, in our experience, never theologically deep. But our experience is limited.

Many people, from John R. Rice to John Ankerberg have taken strong stands against the Masons and lodges in general. My main concern has been displacement of the Biblical with the quasi-refligious/social and their seeming but cloaked belief that salvation is by works and not by faith in Christ alone.
