Museum of the Bible opens Friday: A Photo Tour


“$42 million worth of cutting edge technology will also be featured with a digital entry arcade ceiling, a digital guide accessible through a smart phone app, and a 360-degree projection mapping employed in the 472-seat performing arts theater.” Curbed DC


‘Human Dignity’ Rare Before Christianity


“In the modern West, we generally take for granted that human persons have an inherent dignity and worth that forms the basis for human rights…..In fact, however, the idea of human dignity cannot be taken for granted. As theologian David Bentley Hart powerfully argued in a recent article, ‘human dignity is a rarity before Christianity” Intellectual Takeout


Roy Moore denies sexual misconduct allegations


“The allegations were published Thursday (Nov. 9) by The Washington Post, which claims Moore, 70, also pursued dating relationships with three other teenagers when he was in his early 30s.” BPNews


Prayer Shaming and the Church Shooting


“Their faith, while not in prayer, is in something else. Namely, that all human problems and challenges, such as climate change, gun violence, and even terrorism, are problems that can be solved if only we apply the right techniques, which these days are almost always political steps” CPost


Wedding cake court case draws varied Baptist responses


“The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission filed a brief Sept. 7—along with the Christian Life Commission of the Missouri Baptist Convention and others—arguing the “free exercise of religion by secular vocations in the marketplace should be no less protected than sacred vocations in the ministry,” citing the Supreme Court ruling in Burwell v.
