Still in court: Baptist entities & the HHS mandate


“Southern Baptist institutions and other objectors to the six-year-old abortion/contraception mandate are still working to protect their freedom of conscience on a number of fronts after the Trump administration provided aid through a new rule.” BPNews


Former fire chief Cochran's rights aired in court


Cochran was fired after he “wrote a men’s devotional book that advocated in a brief section the biblical view of marriage and sexuality, including that homosexual behavior is immoral.” BPNews


A Modest Proposal: Character Counts, Starting in 2018


“[I]f partisans endorse the unspoken but clear message ‘We’ll always protect the unethical ones on our side,’ it guarantees they’ll get more unethical behavior. They’re sending the signal to all aspiring leaders within their movement that they would rather live with bad behavior on their own side than give the other side a ‘win.’” … .


Texas defends dismemberment abortion ban


“To defend the Dismemberment Abortion Ban … the state brought forward a wide array of compelling witnesses including abortionists, former abortionists, physicians, legal experts, bioethicists, public health experts, and others.


"Roy Moore is not credible."


“According to Moore’s defenders, the eight women who have accused Moore are not to be believed, even though dozens have corroborated their stories, they don’t know each other, they aren’t anonymous, they aren’t getting paid, and many are Republican and thus not politically motivated.” Roy Moore’s Most Pathetic Argument
