Anti-Semitism Has Risen to Historic Levels in America


The Anti-Defamation League “has reported a staggering 57 percent jump in anti-Semitic incidents in 2017. As per data, this is the maximum ever reported by the group who is noted for their specialization in Jewish civil rights.” WRN


5 Facts about Washington’s Birthday


Feb. 19 was “the U.S. federal holiday known as Washington’s Birthday (not “Presidents Day—see item #1). In honor of George Washington’s birthday, here are 5 things you should know about the day set aside for our America’s premier founding father.” PowerBlog


Presidential Character and Competence: A Presidents’ Day Reflection


“The Old Testament is replete with examples of how Israel prospered under kings with godly character and foundered under those with a despicable character. In Plato’s “Republic” character is the most important qualification of rulers.
