Christian col. suspended for marriage view wins appeal


“A U.S. Air Force colonel and devout Christian suspended and denied promotion after refusing to affirm same-sex marriage has won a legal appeal to reverse the disciplinary actions against him.” BPNews


Mental health experts question claims in Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ transgender study


“The Pentagon’s claim that the scientific evidence is at best ‘unclear’ for treatment of gender dysphoria, the condition of being unhappy in your current gender, and that treatment may not relieve serious risks such as suicide is not the current medical consensus, according to the American Psychiatric Association and American Psychological Association.”


#MeToo Invites Us to Consider More Than Just Behavior

The #MeToo movement brought needed light to the darkness of sexual abuse and assault, and underscored a dark principle of human nature: people will often try to get away with whatever they think they can. The public unveiling of sexual selfishness and other evils that typically accompany this brand of egocentrism invites all of us to consider what is good, and why we should do it.
