The 7 Most Significant Religious Freedom Victories of 2018


“Despite this being our first freedom, challenges to the right of individuals and organizations to practice this right arise constantly. That is why we are fortunate to have groups like Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).” - TGC


Pakistan added to worst religious liberty violators


“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Tuesday (Dec. 11) he had added Pakistan to the list of ‘countries of particular concern’ (CPCs), a category reserved under federal law for governments that have committed or tolerated ‘systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.’” - BPNews


As Sex Ceases to Sell, Modesty Has Its Fashion Moment


In an industry where putting a black model on the cover of a fashion magazine still counts as news, the huge followings of stylish Muslim women such as Alia have given brands the courage to think beyond primarily white, waiflike images and embrace a broader range of bodies and cultures.” - Bloomberg
