When the State Came for My Niece


“Her story was heartbreaking and the conviction of being a boy was not as solid as everyone portrayed. If only she had a good counselor or one Christian friend who would listen to her. Then we asked to share our thoughts with her. We started with creation and ended with redemption. No one had ever told her that story before.” - Crosspolitic


A push for compromise on LGBTQ protections may tear evangelicals apart


“Last week, World Magazine reported that two respected evangelical institutions, the National Association of Evangelicals and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, both quietly adopted a set of principles that call for comprehensive religious freedom protections combined with explicit support for LGBTQ protections in employment, education, housing and adoption, among others.” -


When 'Christianity' Is pointless


“A pacifist wouldn’t make a good general. And an atheist shouldn’t be a pastor. At least, that’s what you would think…. The leadership of the United Church of Canada has settled a years-long controversy by voting to allow Reverend Gretta Vosper, a self-proclaimed atheist, to keep her post as lead minister at West Hill United Church in Toronto.” - CPost


Does Alice Walker have a Jewish problem?


“In particular, people who are center-left often have difficulty recognizing and naming leftist Jew-hatred when they see it.” - RNS
