9 Things You Should Know About Prohibition


“One hundred years ago today, the Eighteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was ratified, prohibiting “intoxicating liquors” in the United States and launching the era known as Prohibition. Here are nine things you should about Prohibition and how the religiously inspired temperance movement transformed America.” - TGC


Twenty Seven Euthanasia Killings at Ohio Hospital?


“Mount Carmel Health System says one of its intensive-care doctors gave “significantly excessive and potentially fatal” doses of pain medication to at least 27 near-death patients between 2015 and 2018.” - N.Review


C.S. Lewis on how the humanitarian theory of punishment threatens liberty


“[A]s C.S. Lewis argues in this essay, the humanitarian theory of punishment deprives a person of the ‘rights of a human being.’ And when deterrence is the sole goal of the system then even the punishment of the innocent is warranted since it can have a deterrent effect.” - Acton
