This Is What Anti-Christian Bigotry Looks Like


“If there have been specific incidents that make a person reasonably fear for his or her safety at Immanuel, then the head of school should identify them. Otherwise, the argument is that Immanuel’s Christian environment is just too terrible to endure.” - N. Review


The Infanticide Craze


“A 2013 study of abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy indicated that ‘most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.’” - N. Review


Auschwitz survivors pay homage as world remembers Holocaust


“The world marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday amid a revival of hate-inspired violence and signs that younger generations know less and less about the genocide of Jews, Roma and others by Nazi Germany during World War II.” - RNS


Krauthammer’s legacy: tribalization foretold


“In this essay, ‘The Tribalization of America,’ he was early to diagnose and give name to the quickly metastasizing disease, at the time only beginning to rip our nation asunder.” - Acton


New York and the culture of death


“Many were alarmed and dispirited by footage this week of raucous cheering in the New York state Senate chamber…. for a bill to remove any protections as persons from unborn children at any stage of pregnancy.” - Russel Moore
