Focus on the Family's Tim Goeglein Talks About “American Restoration”


“Goeglein says his time in Washington hasn’t made him cynical. In fact, as you’ll hear, it’s made him hopeful. But it’s a hope underpinned by the hope of the Gospel, and a belief that Christians can and will engage the current culture and not flee from it. These are ideas he explains in his new book “American Restoration: How Faith, Family, and Personal Sacrifice Can Heal Our Nation.” - BreakPoint


The Supreme Court Is Not Debating Your “Humanity”


“… whichever way the Court rules, no one’s humanity hangs in the balance. Memes like the one pictured at top, though couched in terms of concern for young people who are different from their peers, don’t really help if they instill in their subjects needless fear, unhappiness, and the belief that the world is out to get them.” - The Bulwark
