British street preacher awarded $4.5K over wrongful arrest


The judge: “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” - C.Post


Brave New World or 1984?


“I have long pondered whether Brave New World or 1984 was more plausible as the fate of the West. But just the other day it finally dawned on me that the right answer to this question is not one or the other: it is both!” - Credo


Marijuana linked to increased risk of suicidal thoughts: study


“What the researchers found was that men who used marijuana daily and suffered from depression had an increase in suicidal ideation from 14.9% (2008-2009) to 21.9% (2018-2019), and 10.3% (2008-2009) to 17% (2018-2019), among non-daily users.” - C.Post


Nominalism, Nihilism, and Modern Politics


“The belief that human beings and human communities can be rearranged in any way that suits our creative fancy is, as the examples of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union show, an invitation to tyranny and disaster.” - Public Discourse


Cruz, DeSantis Portray the Left As Demonic, the Right As God’s True Followers


“You’ve got to be strong,” said DeSantis at the end of his speech. “You’ve got to put on the full armor of God. You’ve got to take a stand, take a stand against the Left’s schemes. You’ve got to stand your ground. You’ve got to be firm. You will face flaming arrows, but take up the shield of faith and fight on.” - C.Leaders
