Among Russian Orthodox, glimmers of dissent against the invasion of Ukraine


“More than 275 Russian Orthodox priests and deacons from around the world have signed an open letter expressing their opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, challenging the Russian government and breaking with the tacit support of the military action by church leadership in Moscow.” - RNS


Why the Innocent Must Not Be Targeted in Warfare


“In the Christian tradition the criteria for justly engaging in warfare has been known as jus in bello (justice in war) and includes the primary criteria of discrimination … who are legitimate targets in war.” - TGC


The Sexual Revolution and "the Kids Aren't Fine."


“Children, in particular, are the subjects of this social experimentation….If the early days of the sexual revolution were about being free from the confines of sexual morality, these latter days are about being free from the confines of sexual reality.” - Breakpoint


Senate rejects attempt to expand abortion rights


ERLC’s Chelsea Sobolik: “Senators should be focused on protecting life, not ending preborn lives by bringing one of the most extreme abortion bills in history to the Senate floor” - BPNews


Grieving for Ukraine


“Pray for our brothers and sisters affected—both in Ukraine and in Russia. Things may get very difficult for them. Prayer is the least we can do.” - Straub


CPAC Sure Isn't What It Used to Be


Fact Checking Claims on Vaccines, Election 2020, and January 6 From CPAC: Friday’s speakers made statements that have been repeatedly debunked. - The Dispatch
