Latest challenge to Texas abortion law defeated


“The Texas Supreme Court on Friday (March 11) effectively ended the primary legal challenge to the Texas law known as SB8, which limits abortion to the first six weeks of pregnancy by allowing private citizens to sue anyone who ‘aids or abets’ an abortion after that time.” - RNS


How Christians Enabled Putin


“Sadly, some American Christians were eager to express positive views of Putin, allowing his public stance on homosexuality and gender issues to cover over his multitude of glaring faults.” - CPost


Individual Soul Liberty . . . and Tolerance


“Tolerance used to mean that real differences were allowed to coexist and to be vigorously debated…. When you engage someone who buys into the new ‘tolerance,’ the conversation … will inevitably end with something like this: ‘What’s true for you is true for you, and I am glad that it works for you, but it’s not for me.’” - P&D


What C.S. Lewis has to say to the creators of Jurassic Park


“When a man ignores his moral responsibility and refuses to live within the limits of the natural order, including his own nature, then he has lost the mark of his distinction among creatures. At that point, he is no better than a beast, ruled by whims and passions; raw nature has won out.” - Acton


Why are perceptions of the Church so far from the reality?


“In 1979, sociologist Christopher Lasch wrote The Culture of Narcissism, arguing that as the bonds of religious identity and family erode, Americans were increasingly looking inward for security and meaning. In such a culture, feelings and subjective experiences aren’t just considered the most important thing in the world: They’re considered the most accurate view of the world.” - Breakpoint
