Abortion is not a ‘Jewish value’ for all Jews


“There are different opinions among reasonably informed people about whether, from a Jewish perspective, Dobbs bodes well or ill…. What isn’t arguable is that our religion considers abortion forbidden in all but rare situations.” - RNS


When Can a Ministry Count as a Church?


“The research team counting all the nondenominational congregations in America did not add any marks to their tally when a conservative Christian think tank in Washington, DC, declared itself an association of churches.” - C.Today


Kids Belong to their Families, not to the State


“Last year, a coalition of organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Policy Alliance, Colson Center, and the Heritage Foundation, teamed up to issue a Promise to America’s Children…. Today, we join again, this time to issue a Promise to America’s Parents.” - Breakpoint
