New Street Preaching sermon

Can I get a volunteer to listen to my latest street preaching sermon? I cant attach it here, as its a audio file. Or can I? Let me check. Does not appear so on this website. Please send me a PM and I can email you the audio file. Thanks..

I would do more video, but I do not always have someone to hold the camera, and besides, I have a very nice digital voice recorder, and also a extra mic that attaches to myself. The audio quality is much clearer than that of a normal (camera phone, digital camera, or even camcorder).



Loving God with All Your...Music?

GuitarDetermining what music is or is not appropriate for the Christian is a hard nut to crack. We’ve all heard of the “Worship Wars” that have been going on for decades (and, it could be argued, even going back to the Reformation), and the rise of fundamentalism this past century has really escalated the issue.

In separating from the world, fundamentalists have taken measures to build a defense of their music standards, but sometimes that defense comes across as somewhat abrasive. Instead of shooting other sheep in the flock, is it possible to reach a level of cordiality among Christians of different backgrounds? Here are a few principles that I believe can help us determine what kind of music is appropriate for the personal lives of Christians.

1. Be committed to whatever the Bible requires

If all of our thoughts are to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), then there’s not a square inch of real estate in our lives that is available for rent. Even in our private lives, we need to be concerned about what God wants in worship, because every act is to be an act of glorifying God (1 Cor. 10:31). There’s no time that is truly “me time” during which we can unplug ourselves from our dedication to Christ.

Having made that somewhat obvious point, I have a hard time deriving many specifics from the Bible regarding musical choices. I hate to rain on the I-get-my-personal-music-standards-from-the-Bible parade, but the truth is that the Bible has more than 600 vague references to music, and none at all to musical styles. We know that some music can refresh our spirits (1 Sam. 16), and maybe the case can be made that some music can make sounds similar to that of war (Ex. 32). But does any of that information give us guidance for particular styles? I would say no, though there are several other points that can guide our thinking on this issue.


Laws regarding pastors who spiritually abuse

I apologize if I have put this in the wrong forum, I was unsure which forum I should put this in.

I realize this could vary from state to state, country to country, but I am wondering if anyone knows of possible criminal laws in place for those people who have suffered spiritual abuse by a pastor? If a pastor betrays and ambushes a person, are there laws against this? Or is this a matter that can only be dealt with from the church level?

Thank you in advance for you help.



The Philippian Model of the Christlike Servant

But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. 20 For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. 21 For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s. 22 But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. 23 Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. 24 But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly. (KJV, Phil. 2:19–24)

Just as in Paul’s time, today we have a large number of would-be spiritual leaders who should be rejected as unworthy guides to God and eternity. Though some are unorthodox and easy to spot, many are orthodox but possess subtler problems of character that ought to be just as disqualifying. In Phillippians 2 Paul references problems of practice and character that should remove someone from spiritual leadership. A quick look at five thoughts the Holy Spirit gives us in this passage will help clarify whom we should accept for spiritual oversight,1 and whom we should not.

1. Likemindedness (Phil. 2:20)

“Likeminded” (or like-souled: ισοψυχος, isopsuchos) is a new word to Paul’s readers, never before appearing in his writings and not to appear again in Scripture. It’s a word of comparison, and a word of creation. Though the KJV uses the word “mind,” the second half of the word is actually “soul.” Since God knows the difference, it will be helpful to remember.


New Age Music

This is a question about music in general as opposed to church music, but this seemed the best forum for it: if not, please feel free to move it some place more appropriate.

Every now and then someone will recommend music to me that I find, when I try to learn more about the artist, is classified as New Age Music.

Some years ago our local Christian radio station did a series about New Age Music and the employment of “spirit guides” and other New Age elements creating the music.
