Much of the Bible addresses the End Times, perhaps 14%. Does the teaching in your church approximate this ratio?

There was a time just a few decades ago when many church emphasized eschatology beyond the subjects of heaven and hell. Although someone might challenge these statistics, I have read that at least 150 chapters of the Bible are predominantly about the End Times and about 14% of the Bible deals with the End Times. I can believe that.

So, the expanded questions sounds like this: If you consider how much fo the Bible deals with the End Times, would you guess that your church’s teaching/preaching ministries resemble the emphasis of Scripture?


5 Favorite, 5 Least Favorite Instruments Used in Worship


“1. Piano — Piano is not only a favorite; it is one of the few instruments that did not also get mentioned as a least favorite. 2. Acoustic Guitar — This instrument was a clear second preference. 3. Organ — This instrument was also the number one least favorite. There seemed to be a clear generational divide here.” CPost
