School uses secually graphic books w/o parental consent

I’m going to post the link to the story, but I am going to warn everyone the article repeats several of the offensive passages, at least in part. What struck me most was the duplicity. Just the other day we were confronted with a school refusing to allow a child to read his Bible during free time.


The Tightrope of Separation: Separated Unto God

From Voice, Mar/Apr 2014. Used by permission.

Recently I read an article which began with these words:

Some time ago a man said to me, “I drink beer in the pub in my spare time. Some guys I know go out chasing women. So what’s the difference? Your hobby is Christianity.” To think that a man could look at me and say that Christianity was just a pleasant spare time occupation like collecting stamps or yachting. Is that my definition of Christianity? Do I put it second, or do I put it first?

This quotation points out the fact that if our faith does not change our lives, even the world questions the genuineness of our profession.
