On Fellowship, Part 4: Measuring Success

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Last time we considered a passage from Ephesians 5 that provided some basic principles to underlie our exercise of fellowship. This time I’d like to consider a different Pauline passage, one that helps us recognize when we’re succeeding.

In the opening paragraph of Philippians 2, Paul exhorts the church to live out their unity in Christ in several specific ways—


How would you describe your view about forgiveness between people?

Forgiveness is a broad subject with a lot of variables. Our poll is about a general perspective. It always “depends.”

Everyone agrees that we forgive as God forgives. But does God forgive us if we do not repent (or confess our sins)? Thus forgiveness is conditional or all would be saved.

Others argue that Christ’s words, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” teaches unconditional forgiveness.


Christ’s Victory Over Social Media


“The first time I shared my testimony, my campus ministry leader said, ‘I love that we see God’s grace through TikTok.’ I was shocked.” - TGC


On Fellowship, Part 3: Getting There

Read the series.

It’s time to look a little more closely at what we’re actually doing as we minister our gifts to one another in the church.

A passage I find helpful in this regard is the opening paragraph of Ephesians 5, which is just one sentence with two main verbs that point us to how we conduct our relationships in the church.


Grow in Contentment Through Worship


“The implication of the word ‘learned’ is that it was not always like this for Paul. He grew in contentment over time. It did not come quickly and it did not come easily, but there was growth and there was progress for him, and the same can be true for us today.” - Colin Smith


On Fellowship, Part 2: What It’s For

Last time we noted that from the beginning we’ve been designed for fellowship, for interpersonal relationships—and that for our time in history, the church is a significant part of God’s plan for that. He even commands us to keep at it.

OK, if God says I’m supposed to fellowship, then I will.


What does it mean to regard someone according to the flesh?


“Jesus is saying, ‘You judge people according to the flesh. But I don’t do that!’ Jesus does not form an opinion about you according to the flesh. He does not base a judgment about you on your appearance, ability, age, friends, race, gender, work, home, family, or experience.” - Colin Smith
