Waiting for God? Oh.

Reposted with permission from The Cripplegate.

If you haven’t seen Samuel Beckett’s famous play, Waiting for Godot, let me tell you what you missed by quoting a stage critic, Vivian Mercier: “Waiting for Godot has achieved theoretical impossibility: a play in which … nothing happens, twice.”


University of Iowa, religious liberty in spotlight


“A Christian student group at the University of Iowa has filed suit against the school after losing its status as an official on-campus organization because it requires leaders to hold Biblical beliefs about sexuality.” BPNews


Amniotic fluid could offer a bountiful source of ethical stem cells


Researchers “have developed a technique that allows doctors to harvest stem cells from amniotic fluid and convert them into embryonic-like cells that can grow into other types, including nerve, blood, and heart cells. Extracting the cells, called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), does not harm a baby.” WORLD


Can A Christian Use Astrology?


“Astrology … has existed for over 3,000 years. It continues to have popularity in contemporary society. At least 1 in 4 Americans state they believe in astrology. Interestingly those numbers are higher for Catholics.” WRN


Gone but Not Gone

I love calendars, especially the twelve month variety with a beautiful picture on each page. They usually arrive in December, and I enjoy selecting the ones I will use during the coming year. On the first of January, I hang two new calendars, one in my study and another in my shop, while Marti does the same in the kitchen and at her desk. Of course, we must discard the old calendars, but I can never do so without a moment of reflection. Twelve pages of numbers tossed into heaps of household trash, but what momentous events those rumpled pages represent. Days of our lives now gone, like fallen leaves of autumn.
