What You Should Know About Biblical Complementarianism


“In their breakout session at TGC21, Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, Melissa Kruger, and Nancy Guthrie discuss what it means to have a healthy, biblical view of complementarianism.” - TGC


Daniel: Revealer of Secrets (Part 2)

Daniel: Revealer of Secrets (Part 2)

In the last installment, I introduced you to my friend from ancient Babylon, the prophet Daniel.

I commented on some of the overarching themes of his book in the attempt to demonstrate its significance, and further provide some structure that might aid additional study. But I also tried to remind us of Daniel’s real, human experiences as a captive in Babylon—and the impression they should make on each one of us.


The Art of Debate as the Road to Healing


“Overall, Voth’s book is a helpful contribution to both the field of communications and the debate community. He explores a theoretical concept and applies it to the world practically and clearly.” - Acton


From the Archives – Psalm 8 In the New Testament

Written by David, Psalm 8 extols the majesty of the Lord and reaffirms that man is expected to rule over God’s creation.

The first and last verse of the psalm both declare the greatness of God—“O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!” (Ps. 8:1, 9). So God’s glory is at the forefront. But this psalm also declares the exalted position mankind has in God’s purposes concerning the earth. Psalm 8:4-8 states:


2022 Issue of DBTS Journal Released


“This year’s issue contains six articles and two dozen book reviews. The articles can be downloaded individually or the entire issue can be downloaded as a single pdf if you prefer.” - DBTS Blog


Daniel: Revealer of Secrets (Part 1)

I have a friend and counselor in ancient Babylon.

I have turned to him countless times for wisdom, strength and direction. In fact, he has foreseen the future, and has instructed me carefully regarding “days yet to come” (Dan. 10:14).

I am always amazed at his dedication, courage, faithfulness and prayerfulness. What an example he offers of trusting God during incredible difficulties!

His Hebrew name means “God is my judge,” and it is a name that has become common in our own culture. His name is Daniel.
