Original Sin: Your View

Poll Results

Original Sin: Your View

Pelagian: Adam’s sin does not affect us directly, but a bad example and a cursed environment Votes: 0
Federal View: Human race affected by Adam’s sin and thus cursed, even though Adam sinned alone Votes: 6
Augustinian View: We sinned in Adam Votes: 5
Combination of 2 or more of the above Votes: 3
Other Votes: 2


The Preface and the KJV's Exclusivity and Authority

Republished with permission from Theologically Driven.

Is Only the King James Version the Word of God?

The King James-only movement refuses to recognize any other translation in English as the Word of God. As I noted in previous posts here and here, the Preface to the 1611 KJV is an embarrassment to the KJV-only position because in the Preface the translators themselves absolutely reject the erroneous idea that any translation has such a unique position. Unlike modern KJV-only advocates, the translators themselves admired the work of previous translators of the English Bible.

And to the same effect say we, that we are so far off from condemning any of their labours that travailed before us in this kind, either in this land, or beyond sea, either in King Henry’s time, or King Edward’s, (if there were any translation, or correction of a translation, in his time) or Queen Elizabeth’s of ever renowned memory, that we acknowledge them to have been raised up of God for the building and furnishing of his Church, and that they deserve to be had of us and of posterity in everlasting remem­brance.


Is Soul Sleep bad?

Is it wrong to think that when a person dies in Christ, they are sleeping in the presence of God, or resting? And that they will be awakened at the resurrection of the saints?


Rules of Affinity - Classifying Relationships between Doctrines and Their Supporting Texts

Posted courtesy of Dr Reluctant.

What I call “The Rules of Affinity” are a relatively straightforward device whereby a theological proposition (e.g. that a sinner is justified by faith) is compared with the texts of Scripture by which it is supported to disclose how closely those passages agree with the proposition in question.

Thus, a theological proposition may be adduced which has either direct “one-on-one” relation to a text of the Bible (e.g. justification by faith, or that God created the world), or strong reasons for deriving the doctrine from certain texts of the Bible (e.g. the doctrine of the Trinity); or it may have little or nothing to do with any scriptural passage brought forth to substantiate it, especially once the passage is viewed within its context (e.g. propositions such as the covenant of grace or infant baptism).

It is understood, of course, that the wrong texts may be mistakenly employed in support of a sound doctrine. These “rules” will help ferret out such misapplications by highlighting the weak link between text and proposition. This does not mean the proposition must be discarded automatically. It may be that other texts of Scripture can be brought forth to fully support the doctrinal proposition. In which case, ones scriptural case for a certain theological belief will only be bolstered. On the other hand, if after successive attempts to align the Bible with a given doctrine fail to produce any clear relationship between them, the proposition must be held to suspect or even spurious.


Creation in 7 days???

I was wondering something. I know that Amillenialists and Post-millenialists believe that the 1000 years spoken of in Revelation Chp. 20 is not a literal 1000 years, but a figurative period of time; a time of spiritual kingdom that takes place between the First coming of Christ and the Second coming of Christ. I do not deny that this is a reasonable and possible interpretation of the Scriptures. The Scriptures teach us that “For the Lord a thousand years is like a day, and a day like a thousand years”.


Bouncing Back When Your Chances Are Zero

I have published a new book about my life. When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The doctors gave me one week to live, and said my chances were zero! That was 42 years ago, so it’s been a LONG week!

God has graciously used my life story and messages to reach people all over the world.

The book is entitled “Bouncing Back When Your Chances Are Zero!”.

I asked my friend Ken Turner to write the “Intro”. Here is what he wrote:


Facts and Lies


“Just the facts, ma’am.” This line is widely believed to have been made famous by the character Joe Friday, detective sergeant in the famous Dragnet television series. Actually, Friday never spoke the line. It was popularized by Stan Freberg in his parodies of the show.
