Roads to Nowhere - Studying the Trinity With Your Head in the Sand

Read the series so far.

You Must Care About the Trinity

If you’re a Christian, you should want to know as much about your God as possible. He is the God who decided to save you before the world even began. He knows who you are. He knows every sin you have committed, are committing right now, and will ever commit in the future.


A Dispensational Discourse with Dr. Charles Dyer

From Dispensational Publishing House; used by permission.

Dr. Charles Dyer has a unique combination of experience in Christian ministry, having served at the highest levels of Christian education as both an administrator and an educator; having been involved in Christian publishing as both an author and an editor; and having additional experience as a pastor, radio host and tour guide. Above all, he is a scholar and a fine Christian gentleman. He is also the author of the forthcoming volume from Dispensational Publishing House, Future Babylon: The Biblical Arguments for the Rebuilding of Babylon. We are glad to draw on Dr. Dyer’s expertise in this article, and we look forward to providing special opportunities for you to interact with him when we launch the release of that book.

“I went to a small Bible college, but I had several professors who really pointed me in the right direction,” stated Charles Dyer as he looked back on his preparation for a lifetime of significant ministry opportunities. “They had a Biblical approach. They taught me that God intended the Bible to communicate. You take it at face value. If you do that you are going to end up a classic dispensationalist.”


The Cruciality of Christ, Part 1


For the Christian, life means nothing without the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever other people say, however the non-Christian tries to answer the question of meaning, the Christian sees no answer to the big questions of life, no remedy for the plight of man, without Jesus Christ.

In the Lord Jesus is the explanation for the way life was originally, the way it is now as a fallen creation, and the way it’s going to be in the future. Everything resolves itself around Him. Indeed, Christianity without the work and person of Jesus is unthinkable. With Christianity, if you take out the Lord Jesus Christ then you are left with nothing. You are left with just a man-made morality and with nothing else. You are left with no transcendent point by which the world; ourselves included, can be understood.

In fact, what we are left with, as the unbelieving philosopher Feuerbach said, is mere anthropology; man musing upon himself—just using the metaphors of deity. So, Christianity truly, as W.H. Griffith Thomas put it,” is Christ.”


Ellipsis’ Ugly Head (John 12:7)


Mondays with Mounce: Why did Mary keep the perfume? An ellipsis is when words are left out, and the assumption is that the context is sufficient to fill in the gaps. It especially happens in the second of two parallel thoughts, words from the first assumed in the second. But John 12:7 gives us a good example of ellipsis when there is no parallel.


Inspector Gadget and the Trinity - Bible Study as Detective Work

In the local church, the Trinity is usually expressed as an established truth; a fact. It’s often accompanied by a nice summary statement and some key verses. In a seminary context, the student (let’s call him Biff!) will be forced to go a bit deeper than that.
