What feminism hath wrought“We have feminism to thank for convincing women to think of themselves first and foremost, and that to do otherwise would be to betray womanhood.”Marcia Segelstein on Venker & Schlafly’s new book, The Flipside of Feminism.
Obama, the Interpreter of the Message of Passover President Obama: “The story of Passover…instructs each generation to remember its past, while appreciating the beauty of freedom and the responsibility it entails.
“Inside, it contains several books (including Genesis, Wisdom, Parables, Lamentations, Consolations, Proverbs, and Acts) which are edited to have numerical chapters and verses and the text has been printed in two columns with a white dividing line down the middle.The language of the humanist bible is also similar to that of the King James Version…”Humanist Bible Copies the Christian
More Thoughts & Answers to the “20/20”“There was a ‘Car 54 Where Are You?’ moment at the [Concord Police Department ]!” “I’m not sure the three letters “IFB” were used adjectively to describe a church prior to the opening of the IFB Cult Survivor(and their friends) Facebook page.”“As a Dad of four, I take protecting our c