"We have feminism to thank for convincing women to think of themselves first ..."

What feminism hath wrought “We have feminism to thank for convincing women to think of themselves first and foremost, and that to do otherwise would be to betray womanhood.” Marcia Segelstein on Venker & Schlafly’s new book, The Flipside of Feminism.


Betty Friedan is widely viewed as having launched the women’s movement with the publication of her 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique… it was her own life that was a mess. Writing years later in her autobiography, Life So Far, Friedan described an unhappy childhood growing up with a mother who made her feel “messy, clumsy, inadequate, bad, naughty, ugly.” Years were spent in psychoanalysis “talking endlessly about how I hated my mother and how she had killed my father.”

Her marriage was not a happy one, to put it mildly, in which both spouses were physically abusive. Motherhood was overwhelming and unsatisfying for Friedan.

As Venker and Schlafly write, “Rather than try to cope and offer other women solutions for how to cope, Friedan manufactured a societal problem. She suggested society is to blame for the plight of the American housewife, who lived, she wrote, in a ‘comfortable concentration camp.’”

I’m amazed by how many Christian women buy into the Friedan delusion, and how they apply her warped thinking to everything wrong in their life. What’s more, they classify Biblical principles of gender roles and submission into the ‘male oppressive patriarchal abusive blah blah blah’…

I think it is interesting that in the book market, …romance fiction continued its reign as the largest share of the consumer market at 13.2 percent, beating other market categories such as mystery, science fiction/fantasy, and religion/inspirational. ( http://www.rwa.org/cs/the_romance_genre/romance_literature_statistics/i…] From Romance Writers of America’s website. ) And having been through a brief ‘romance phase’ when I was younger, now currently a reader of bestselling book reviews and listener of publishing industry podcasts, I can testify that the most common storyline is still ‘big strong man tosses woman over shoulder and carries her to the bedroom’.

I don’t think all that many women have completely bought into feminism, but they think they are supposed to, so they talk the talk in public, then they go home and pull the latest paperback romance out of their nightstand and vicariously live the life they wish they had.