An Interlude of Praise


Since the Psalms call us to praise our God all day, every day (e.g., Psalm 34:1, 71:14), an act of praise should hardly be an “interlude.” But the focus of this post is a departure from what normally appears in these pages. Hopefully we’ll be able to do this more often. Heart and mind are intertwined and the work of thinking can only be enhanced by the work of intentional worship. Enjoy Kim Noble’s song of thankfulness. —Ed.

A Song of Thankfulness to King Jesus Based on Philippians 4:8

Jesus Christ, to Him, be praised!

A song of thankfulness, I raise,

For in the pages of Holy script,

I find a comprehensive list,

A portrait of our mighty King,

All praise and glory do I sing.

Truth, is what I’m thankful for,

This first word shows our Savior-Lord,

Will never falter, never fail

His words and deeds are faithful still,


"There is no room for [Israel] in the region."


The Iranian president said on Friday there will be no room for Israel in the region after the formation of a Palestinian state, and that once the state is established, the liberation of all Palestinian lands should follow. The comments by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reflected his typical anti-Israeli rhetoric, which has drawn international condemnation since he first said in 2005 that Israel should be “wiped off the map.” Full report is at
