Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the McCrories!

family2006.gifWow! Can it possibly be time for another holiday letter already? Well, the Lord has been so gracious to our family again this year. For the first time in three years, our son Jason has not had to be hospitalized for his breathing problems acquired as a premature baby. Praise God! Where Jacob had to work for 14 years to acquire the love of his life, I was able to celebrate 14 years with mine this summer! Praise God!


Filings Closed


The Filings Blog will be closed temporarily and re-opened on January 15th. If you know someone who would be a good contributor, please email Jason Janz at


Merry Christmas from the Ryan McCammack Family

mccammack.jpgDear SI,

My name is Ryan McCammack, and I will be making my first contribution to the world of ShaperIron in the near future. I’m looking forward to it; I think. It’s a little unnerving after reading the voluminous material that flows from Dr. Bauder’s pen. Wow! He’s a well-thought-out fellow.


Merry Christmas from the Mathew Sims Family

SMALLChristmas pictures 014.jpgMy name is Mathew Sims, and I am married to a wonderful wife and faithful friend, LeAnn Sims. We were married in May 2005 in Greenville, SC. She has been patient with me so far, and God has been gracious in teaching us many things about each other and, most of all, about Him.


Not As It Appears


Study finds most churches not involved in politics.


A Note from Greg Linscott

Late on the evening of December 7, I sent out the following message to the SI administrators and moderators:
