Billy Graham Top Religious Icon


Newest Barna research shows that when it comes to cultural icons, there’s no real difference between Christians and non-Christians about whom we admire.

Report HERE.


Opt-Out Form


If your children attend a public school, they can opt-out of certain questionable lessons and activities. For more info, click here.


Amazing Grace Sunday


The hymn “Amazing Grace” will receive a lot of attention this weekend. Read more about this here.


Why Love? Part 1

I am by nature an angry person. Most people who know me well would deny that. In fact, my friend Jason Janz often tells people, “Brian’s a lover.” That statement is true now, but it is true only by the grace of God working in my life. Anger, incidentally, serves me well when it comes to the protection of the Gospel or to why_love1.jpgthe defense of those I love. I can harness that energy and express it under control, hopefully for the glory of God.
