ACCC Responds to "Bones of Christ" Claim


Bethlehem PA — An upcoming Discovery Channel program contends that two ancient ossuaries (bone boxes first discovered in 1980) once possibly contained the earthly remains of Jesus Christ. The assertions, which were sure to raise objections from Evangelical Christians who believe the Scriptural account of Christ’s resurrection and His bodily ascension into heaven, have been given extensive coverage in mainstream media.


Rap Music Is Waning


Thoughts on why mainstream rap music is being rejected by consumers. Click here.


Christians Debate Validity of Jesus Tomb Movie


Newsweek posts an article discussing the debate within the Christian community regarding the alleged discovery of Christ’s burial place including quotes from Stephen Hankins of Bob Jones University.

Article HERE.


Evangelism and National Hoops Ministries

Most conservative churches are struggling in the area of evangelism. The leaders will readily admit it. Most pastors are discouraged by the fact that we seem to be doing a pretty lousy job of spreading the Gospel message to the lost. I believe that conversion is God’s job, but evangelism is our job. And it seems we’re pretty anemic at doing our job.
