Underdogs Don’t Win. Individuals Are Crushed.

Reflections on Ministry in Poland

911090_statue_of_liberty.jpgMaybe a year and a half in Poland has left me somewhat nostalgic, but I love America, I miss America. As we learn the language and observe this culture so foreign to our own, we often catch ourselves comparing the two. One culture is home, and the other, well … it’s growing on us. We can observe many similarities, but a few stark differences exist.


John Templeton Dead at 95


Founder of the Templeton Prize for “progress in relgion,” and promoter of research in science and religion. Story here.


Book Review: The Courage to Be Protestant

Wells, David F. The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2008. Hardcover, xiv + 253 pp. $25.00


Stone Tablet Describes Messiah Dying and Rising Again


Archaeologists have found a tablet they believe predates Jesus, but which describes a Messiah that will suffer, die and rise again after three days. Some see find as damaging to Christianity (!?) Story here. And here.


Help Wanted

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SharperIron is looking for talent for two important areas of the website.
Forums Director
Drupal and/or vBulletin developers
Details here.


A Baptist Perspective on Reformed Theology


Dr. Myron Houghton of Faith Baptist Theological Seminary (Ankeny, Iowa), presented a workshop on Reformed theology at the 2008 GARBC Conference. Audio and visuals here.
