Book Review: New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics

McGrath, Gavin, Walter Campbell Campbell-Jack and C. Stephen Evans, eds. New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2006. cloth, xx + 779 pages. $45.00


Dobson Now Says Might Endorse McCain


In on-air conversation with Albert Mohler, James Dobson says he might endorse McCain after all. The two express reservations about both candidates. Story here.


Courageous Femininity in an Emasculated Culture, Part 1

The Biblical Challenge of Being a Strong Woman in a Weak Man’s World

The all-too-normal American woman lives in a world of boys—men with a pathological immaturity that has emasculated bixby_cropped.jpgthem and shriveled them into moral and spiritual wimps. The home of the average American woman is unmanned.
