Tim Keller addresses abortion...


“If you don’t believe in the image of God, what are you going to ground human rights in? You’re going to ground it in capacities. If you can’t protect the unborn you can’t protect the newly born, you can’t protect the mentally handicapped, you can’t protect old people. It’s a fact. It’s logical.”
Read the whole thing at Baylyblog


Dreams and Visions

Confessions of a Soft Cessationist

Above CloudsRecently, I had a conversation with a Muslim-background Christian. He shared the story of his childhood in a Muslim village in a North African country. There were no Christians, there were no Bibles, there was no testimony to the gospel, and there had been no missionaries. He had a dream in which Jesus spoke to him and told him that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


The Child She Never Knew


This NPR story helps to illustrate the humanity of an unborn child
