A Recovering Evangelical Speaks


Culture11’s Credo highlights the personality and politics of self-proclaimed “Recovering Evangelical” Chris LaTondresse


All You Really Need Is "Heart"? Part 1

Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted on March 2, 2007.

Fundamentalism features a lot of talk about the heart these days. It probably always has. Speakers emphasize the importance of “hearts on fire for God,” a children’s CD warns against the dangers of developing a cold heart, and a college hosts an annual Heart Conference.


Tim Keller addresses abortion...


“If you don’t believe in the image of God, what are you going to ground human rights in? You’re going to ground it in capacities. If you can’t protect the unborn you can’t protect the newly born, you can’t protect the mentally handicapped, you can’t protect old people. It’s a fact. It’s logical.”
Read the whole thing at Baylyblog
