The Aspirations and Illusions of Wealth

Reprinted with permission from Paraklesis, Fall 2011.

“What am I going to do now?” Challenges arising from our current economic crisis such as unemployment, under-employment or such crises as the death and disability of loved-one, rebellious children, or a prodigal spouse raise this challenging question in pastoral ministry. At times, however, this question arises from the opposite extreme—that of unexpected wealth. Sudden abundance of natural resources (such as the Marcellus Shale natural gas revenue in the Northeastern states), occasional estate settlements and business transactions also raise this question.

True worth

The Scriptures provide a number of principles regarding the illusions and influences of wealth. First and foremost is the principle that our intrinsic value and worth lies in our being image bearers of God (Gen. 1:26). We do not look to a percentage of assets to establish worth. As someone has said, we are persons and not percentages!

James 1:27 and Deuteronomy 14:29 reinforce the biblical view that each person has intrinsic worth irrespective of status. In Genesis 1:26, Moses writes that we have “been created in His image.” God stamped His moral likeness in each person regardless of gender, ethnic background, physical appearance, intellectual capacity, wealth, status, etc. Humanity is defined in terms of being created in God’s image. If we were not created in God’s image, we would not be human. Intrinsic worth is derived from our Creator and not from wealth (Ps. 139:13-15).

Jesus taught that those who define themselves by their percentage or pursuit of worldly goods would be sorely disappointed (Matt. 6:25-34). He emphasized the dangers of being consumed by wealth as He told the parable of the rich businessman who built bigger and bigger barns to store all his crops. The parable ends with this man dying having not laid up any treasure for himself in heaven nor used his wealth to help others. Jesus concluded by emphasizing the need to be rich toward God (Luke 12:13-21).


"I don't see any abortion clinics. Sorry about that."


“Siri, the iPhone 4S voice-activated ‘assistant,’ is being accused of wanting to prevent abortions by giving obscure answers to users searching for abortion clinics, leading to speculation that Steve Jobs, who confessed he was glad to not have been a victim of abortion, might have intentionally made the programing ‘glitch.’” Is the iPhone’s ‘Siri’ Really Trying to Prevent Abortions?


Book Review - Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Amazon Affiliate LinkThe Bible is a big book, and since the nineteenth century, many big Bible dictionaries have been published to assist readers and students of the Bible to understand important words, concepts and background information. The most recent effort in the field of Bible dictionaries is the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary (ZIBD).
