Most Evangelical Leaders OK with Birth Control


“The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents more than 45,000 churches in the United States, released a report Tuesday showing that nearly 90 percent approve of contraception.” CP


Thousands Rally Against Ground Zero "Mega Mosque"


“The protest, organized by Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), kicked off at noon and rallied support behind efforts to stop construction of the Cordoba House – a 15-story facility that project leaders claim will promote tolerance and serve as a platform for people of all backgrounds to come together.” CP


Jesus Ultrasound Poster Fuels U.K. Abortion Uproar


“It gives the impression that it was politically motivated, that they are trying to put across some sort of subliminal message,” said Terry Sanderson, director of the National Secular Society, according to U.K.-based The Guardian. “The image is too specifically associated with pro-lifers to be seen in a benign context.” More


John Wooden: A Legend Passes On


The famed UCLA coach, “a devout Christian, read his Bible daily. His favorite passage was 1 Corinthians 13.” More
