Claremont Seminary Reaches beyond Christianity dcbii Wed, 06/09/10 8:28 pm Archive Ecumenism Judaism Islam Education Calling multi-faith expansion the next step, the school will offer training for Muslims and Jews in a program that strains its historic ties to the Methodist Church. Discussion Jonathan Charles Thu, 06/10/10 12:25 pm I am sure that with liberal I am sure that with liberal denominations withering that this is a way of boosting seminary enrollment and keeping otherwise dying seminaries alive. Related . . . Topics: Ecumenism, Megachurches, Roman Catholicism, CCM Why Catholic bishops rocked out to megachurch worship hits The New Ecumenism: A Short History of Modern Ecumenical Movements Italian Evangelical leaders criticize World Evangelical Alliance for ecumenical prayer at Vatican The National Council of Churches’ collapse Lausanne/World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network Backs Unprecedented Ecumenical Plea for the Environment Pagination 1 Next page The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly.(ESV, Proverbs 15:2)
Jonathan Charles Thu, 06/10/10 12:25 pm I am sure that with liberal I am sure that with liberal denominations withering that this is a way of boosting seminary enrollment and keeping otherwise dying seminaries alive. Related . . . Topics: Ecumenism, Megachurches, Roman Catholicism, CCM Why Catholic bishops rocked out to megachurch worship hits The New Ecumenism: A Short History of Modern Ecumenical Movements Italian Evangelical leaders criticize World Evangelical Alliance for ecumenical prayer at Vatican The National Council of Churches’ collapse Lausanne/World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network Backs Unprecedented Ecumenical Plea for the Environment Pagination 1 Next page The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly.(ESV, Proverbs 15:2)