Presbyterian Church (USA) considers denouncing Caterpiller Inc. because it sells bulldozers to Israel


“The divestment resolutions are expected to provoke contentious debate among the biannual assembly’s nearly 700 delegates — as are other overtures that condemn Israeli policy toward Palestinians, seek to change ordination standards to allow noncelibate gay and lesbian clergy, and ask for permission to start officiating at same-sex marriages.” The proposal is also quite unpopular in Peoria, IL where Caterpillar is headquartered.


"Son of Hamas" faces deportation


Cal Thomas: Terror hero being deported His is a remarkable story which he tells in a book “Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Courage.” Yousef is a man without a country. He was admitted to the United States in 2007 for medical treatment. His passport has expired. The government is holding his travel documents.


Lawsuit Reinstated against Obama's Embryonic Stem Cell Policy


“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit that contends the Obama administration’s embryonic stem cell research policy violates federal law. The court found that the plaintiffs have ‘competitive standing’ to sue.” More at Christian Post


40% of Evangelical Leaders Drink Alcohol


Poll: 2 in 5 Evangelical Leaders Drink Alcohol Forty percent of evangelical leaders said they “socially drink alcohol,” according to a new monthly poll. Many of them added that they only drink “in moderation,” “on special occasion,” or “infrequently.” And they noted that they do so only with those who share similar views on alcohol consumption.
