A 25 year old laments: "My generation as a whole is not getting married"

My unsaved friends in their twenties/thirties aren’t getting married because they just live together. Why not, if you don’t mind having sex before marriage? As for my fellow Christians who aren’t getting married, I think it stems from lots of different factors. A big one would be the lack of good Christian guys in our churches. There are usually many more single women than men. Another big factor: lack of initiative from the guys. If they’re going to lead their families, that starts with being the pursuer and initiator and stepping up to take that risk, knowing they could be rejected. I give all glory to God for the man I’m currently dating—he clearly pursued me and told me exactly what his intentions were, even though he knew doing so was basically sticking his neck out. I know that if God leads us to marry, he’ll be a good leader for our family.

Also, in some cases, God’s best for us isn’t getting married the summer after graduation. For example, I’m 32 :) and I can say, God is faithful!