Sumners "told the justices that the protest is unprotected by the Constitution because of the 'personal, targeted nature of the attack on the Snyder family.'"
The Westboro case before the Supreme CourtHigh Court: Does Father’s Pain Trump Free Speech?
"the policy 'was adopted to promote an inclusive environment for all students in our school community'"
(but not including Christmas carols)Ban on school Christmas carols upheld
Another Stem Cell Breakthrough Proves Embryonic Cell Research Unnecessary
“Compared to the speculative, controversial and dangerous embryonic stem cell research that the [Obama ] administration insists on funding illegally, iPS cell and adult stem cell research is a cheaper, faster, safer, more efficient and quicker path to the cures we need” Christian Physicians Hail New Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research
"Meanwhile in The Netherlands, famous for its broadmindedness, the orthodox Calvinist population is the youngest and fastest growing."
Sobering article on global population trends.Religious baby boom primed to send shock waves through secular world“Despite Kaufmann’s impeccable liberal credentials, it’s blindingly clear from his argument that the faultline of the future will be between Muslims, who are becoming more numerous and more religious, and the rest, who are dying
"Warren encouraged Christians to get rid of anti-intellectualism, telling them to build a library."
Warren appeared at the Desiring God conference via video. A report