Trinity 101

But I have a really hard time reading theology from a foul-mouthed guy with a smirk on his face who preaches wearing a Mickey Mouse T-shirt. Sorry — not a fan, and never will be. Wherever the line is, Driscoll has crossed it by my standards.

The more I think about this conference, I am also wondering why we should be fascinated with the views of Bishop Jakes. He seems to me to be something of a real-life, TBN-created cartoon character. If the goal is to have a meaningful, academic conversation about Trinitarianism involving someone who represents modalism, why not invite someone more qualified to carry the ball than Jakes?

Or is the goal just to grab attention by being edgy??

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry


Do you have any room to thank God that error is indeed being corrected by Mark Driscoll? Can you rejoice that Christ is preached, even though imperfectly by Driscoll?

Just a thought …


That was one of the best blog posts I have ever read. Words such as “perichoresis” and “consubstantiality” employed and explained, brief but insightful reference to the history of dogma, correction of error, pastoral exhortation — this is a truly worthy read.

I don’t know about this whole Elephant Room gathering, but I doubt that the result will be broader acceptance of modalism. If anything, it seems as though it’s already causing orthodox Christians to consider the foundational character and relevance of trinitarian dogma.

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Cor meum tibi offero Domine prompte et sincere. ~ John Calvin