NAE, PCA and Biologos: a new pro-evolution alliance?

“In addition to the fact that the best known pastor in the PCA, Dr. Tim Keller, is hosting these BioLogos workshops and is calling for pastors to promote the BioLogos view, the Stated Clerk of the PCA, Dr. L. Roy Taylor is the Chairman of the Board of the NAE.” Connecting the Dots

(Related: Olasky - Will the NAE try to sell evangelicals on evolution?)


What we’ve got on our hands is failure to work out the relationship between Scripture and science that goes back centuries. It’s kind of coming to a head. Biologos goings on have really acted as a catalyst. People are going to have to think through, as you say, their basic hermeneutic, but also whether science serves theology or theology serves science—and what that means in practical terms. It’s really going to be a major dividing line, I think.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

…when you consider that for many years “the best known pastor in the PCA” was the late Dr. D. James Kennedy.

(Another was the late Dr. Bruce Dunn.)

I put Tim Keller in the class of wannabee “Christian leaders” who are not anywhere close to the caliber of men like Kennedy or Dunn, but instead lean far too heavily on the influence of the culture rather than simply, but boldly and eloquently, proclaiming God’s Holy Word.

With the elder generation dying off, there are not people of the same quality to replace them, in many cases.

May God help us!

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry